We fund success for startups

When you have a innovative idea.

You’ve done your market research. You know that your product is viable and well-thought-out. Banks, credit, crowdfunding, or mom and dad are not your only funding options.If we like your idea, we’ll build and develop your business without demanding equity or interest.

Startup Funding - The “normal” way:

You sweat blood and tears over a pitch, work your ass off to get in front of the right investors, and hope they say "yes." If they do, you’ve just given up a portion of your equity. You now own less of your own company. Your equity has been watered down. And watch out for the “gotcha” clauses that may show up later. Success feels ...flat.


Startup Funding - The MonsterHub way

We typically invest in the first equity round, in the range of $100-300K – enough money to make an early impact and get you off the ground.

This should also keep you pushing forward to the on-boarding phase. We ask for no equity in return, meaning you remain the captain of your ship. While we provide support, you remain in charge of your business, and our terms are founder friendly and hassle-free. All the legal stuff is taken care of by us.

If we like your idea, we will work with you to design, develop and deliver your app. But building a product is only part of our strategy. We have a holistic approach to business development. Basically, this means that we use science-based psychology to amplify your product.

Our techniques include the famous “Hooked Model”, used by the world’s most addictive products. At its peak, users keep coming back for more on their own, without any need for aggressive marketing. Don’t make “yet another”, build an app with a roaring marketing engine.

We want your app if ….

It’s innovative

Your app fills a gap in the market

You’ve done your market research

You know your competition

Your pitch excites us (we’re talking goosebumps)

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